These prices are for non-commercialized works; commercial works will be +50%.
Please refer to my TOS examples of what will be considered commercialized work
The prices listed are base prices. Depending on the complexity of the requested character or background, prices will vary.
general pricing per character
Style Type | Chibi | Half-body | Full-body |
Full Render | $150 | $200 | $300 |
Simple Color | $100 | $150 | $200 |
Lineart Only | $50 | $100 | $150 |
Sketch Only | $25 | $50 | $100 |
note: this is a base price, and does not include design complexity or background.
"Otome CG" Illustration
additional character based on general pricing
additional cost based on complexity
this artwork is fully rendered with a detailed BG
$ 350 USD
"Painty" Bust-Up
additional character based on general pricing
additional cost based on complexity
this commission is colored in a soft painty style that includes a colored background with some transparent areas
$ 200 USD
$ 150 USD
Detailed Chibi
additional character based on general pricing
additional cost based on BG and complexity
$ 60 USD
Simple Chibi
additional cost based on complexity
commissioner will receive one ver. with the name banner and one without
default size 500x500
other illustrations
Have a different idea for an illustration?
Contact me on twitter for possible estimates for cost and time!